Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

52)  FT to SG, Apr. 30, '98

                                                        No. 31 Oiwake St., Komagome,
                                                        Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 30, '98

Mr. Samuel Gompers,
Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

      Dear Sir,--Owing the pressing demand made on my time, I have been somewhat neglecting to write you.    I suppose you are at present engaging very busily with preparation of the Eight Hour Movement. It is my earnest hope that your effort will be crowned with great success.
     The out-door demonstration meeting of the Rodo Kumiai Kisei Kwai which was to be held on the 3rd inst. had to be abandoned as the police authorities were pleased to prohibit its consummation.    The gross infringement of the right of laborers thus inflicted was done under the name of preserving public peace.    Failing ourselves to conceive how the meeting will come to be an instrument of disturbing public peace, we tried very hard to reason with the authorities but to no avail.    An impression made on us by the authorities was that they regard the labor movement itself as an element of disturbance.    While flatly refusing to part with their wrong idea, they hinted of a threatening position they will assume in the event of our disobeying their despotic mandate.    Conscious ourselves of the powerless position we are holding at present against the police, we must unwillingly gave into their dictate and abandoned the meeting.    0n the tenth inst., however, there was held in this city a celebration of the 30th anniversary of removal of the seat of capital to this city which was participated by all the inhabitants of this city.    Taking this as an opportunity, we resumed the preparation of the abandoned meeting and on the day we held the meeting under the cover of celebrating the occasion.    Fully 1,000 members participated.    We paraded the streets to the Uyeno park where a ground was provided to indulge in pleasant sports, and we have enjoyed them to our heart content.    It was really an happy hour for us when we found out a fact that the police authorities were placed in a dilemma.    To interfere with our meeting is to commit an act of disloyalty to the Emperor on their parts, since the celebration was held to rejoice in His Majesty's good health.    This fear forced them to give us, though reluctantly, the permission to hold the meeting.    Thus we have furthered our purpose without coming to a crush with the police authorities.
     I still fail to receive any notification from our post office of the arrival of the money you sent last Jan.    I shall be very much obliged if you will kindly inquire after it at your post office.    Further allow me to request that you will please forward the money paid for my letters which remain in your hand as I am sorely pressed with money.
     I shall forward my monthly letter by next mail.
     With best wishes to you and your organization,
I am,
          Yours respectfully,
                                          F. Takano

P.S. March number of your Federationist has not arrived yet, while all other papers issued under the same date have reached here three weeks ago.    Please see to it that it has been sent out.    F.T.