Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

33)  SG to FT, June 24, 1897.

                                 June 24th, 1897.

Mr. F. Takano,
#31 Oiwake-cho, Komagome,
Hongo, Tokyo, Japan.

My Dear Sir:--
      I am in receipt of your favor of the 2nd ulto. contents or which are noted.    I am glad you have received the pamphlets and hope you will find them interesting.    Under another cover I send you the latest pamphlet which completes my article on the Eight-Hour Work day.    I thought you might like to have it in full and previous to publication of the last contribution in the July issue of the AMERICAN FEDERATIONIST.
      Of course under the circumstances you mention it was wise to bide tour [sic] time and not insist upon the premature intorduction [sic] of the petition.    I would insist though that the matter be fully taken up by the Member of the House who has promised to introduce it.    Much could be done in this direction by practical action.
      I have communicated with about 25 labor papers with a view of having them take a syndicate letter from you.    I propose that they shall pay $l.OO per month for it, the AMERICAN FEDERATIONIST being also among the sunscribers [sic].    I have promised them that when you send the letter here I will have it set up and send them a printed copy to be published as nearly simultaneously as possible at the end of each month.    Of course at present I can not say what success this effort will be crowned with but you rrst [sic] assured that I will push it to the very uttermost and try to make it a success.    You are no doubt aware that times are very hard in the United States and the labor papers have a hard road to hoe.    For that reason I should prefer that you would not build too firmly upon it although I would suggest that you write the article and send it on here.    If there are enough who agree to take it I shall carry it out.    If not I will ask the few to do so and make some contribution from the A.F. of L. so that you will be compensated for your first article.    I wish you would advise me which is the best means of transmitting money to you--I presume by P. O. money order but of this let me know definitely.    The reason I mention P. O. money order is because I am of the opinion that there is no charge made for exchange--simply the payment for the order.    I could easily learn by inquiry at the P. O. here but this is unnecessary for you can give the information and I do not need it until hearing from you again.    I have not received copy of "FAR EAST" which you say you sent here, I certainly would like to have read the article to which you refer.    I did not have the opportunity of seeing it in Mr. Guntons Social Economist.    Perhaps it may have been printed while I was on a trip away from the office.
      I sincerely hope that you may be entirely successful in every effort to educate and organize our fellow workers in Japan.    Assuring you of my kindest regards and best wishes.
                                                            Fraternally yours,
                                                                Samuel Gompers.
                                                            President A.F. of L.