Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

40)  SG to FT, September 17, 1897.

                                                                 700 14TH ST. N. W.
                                                                 Washington D. C.    Sept. 29th, 1897.

Mr. F. Takano
    #31 Oiwake Street.
        Hongo, Tokyo, JAPAN.

Dear Sir & Brother:--
               I forgot to comply with the request contained in your former letter for a photo and I mail you one under separate cover which I ask you to accept with my compliments.    You can use it for any purpose you may desire.                You will observe in the Sept. issue of the American Federationist that we made a special effort to get out an exceptionally large and interesting edition.    You will also find them the photos of quite a large number of men which you can use for such purpose as you may desire.    We have had a few hundred copies struck off and I mail two of these copies to you by this mail.
               With kindest regards and best wishes, I am,
Fraternally yours,
                                                                Samuel Gompers.
                                                            President A.F. of L.