Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

25)  SG to FT, November 28, 1896

                                                     Indianapolis, Ind., November 28, 1896

Mr. F. Takano,
              Tokio, Japan,
Dear Sir:--
          I presume that in the near future, I shall hear from you in response to my last letter, but I write now for the purpose of conveying kind expression from one to whom you are a total stranger, except as he has read your contribution for our American Federationist. You may have read the name of Dr. U. N. Weideman, who has also written several articles for the Magazine. In a letter received from him to-day, he says: " I hope our friend, Fusataro Takano, will not weaken or grow his pen and make him a power for humanity in Japan".
          It is needless to say that I join most heartly[sic] in his words of appreciation and his hopes that you may be of vast benefit to the workers of your country. Nothing can so far contribute the uplifting of the great masses of your people or tend so much to the amelioration of the condition of the people of the whole world, as the organization of labor. It would indeed be a great lever should the Japanese workers more thoroughly unite, and I hope that that may soon be accomplished, and that you may be instrumental therein.
          With sincere wishes for your health and success, I am,
                                         Yours fraternally,

                                         Samuel Gompers.
President A.F. of L.

NB. Enclosed find call for Cincinnati Convention. Write soon. I may be out of office when next you write back let me hear from you just the same. Hence please write the envelope of your next letter "Personal".