Fusataro Takano Papers

A Letter from Will Nissen to Fusataro Takano, March 2, 1890

                                                                       March 2, 90.

                                                                       Point Arena

Dear Friend Osen,
                                            I received yours of the 27th glad to hear from you, but have got sooner to tell you that you would not like to hear.   our poor friend Nilson got killed. he was working a Fort Bragg, and a butt Log fell on his and killed him, but he did not know he was killed it was done so quick poor man. he was insured for $2,000 that is for his family   his family felt very bad and so did all the people on the flat.  we had an ofelran day to bring him near.   having soon fine weather now but it won't be long before we have some rain.   there is not much going on here at present and I dont think there will be much this summer.   the Garcia Mill will not start so that leaves Point Arena in a poor state.   I am going up the coast, the first of April to look for work..   this has been a hard winter for me, on account of the rain.   you speak about Mammie Lynch,   she and Gage got married about a month ago.   Feed Hand has not done any work all winter.   Tom Shaw and wife is at the Mill yet.   this is as rainy day, I was out working with my girl last Sunday, as it was fair . I have a fine girl she is Irish sha has black hair and brown eyes, and is larger than Mamrnie Lynch she is sweet sixteen.   I am letting my Mustache grow, when my Annie is eighteen we are to be married.   Then Osen you will have a home when you come to see me, there is no one knows it yet.   well Osen new is scarce this time.   I hope yours good success in your Restaurant.   when I come up there I will board with you.   I send best wishes to you from all Hoping to hear from you soon.
                          Respectfully Yours
                                        Will Nissen
                                               Point Arena
                                                            Mendocino Co.

Edited by NIMURA, Kazuo @http://oisr.org/nk/