Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

13)  SG to FT, Sept. 26, 1894

New York, Sept. 26, 1894

Mr. F. Takano,
    Dear Sir and Brother:
        Enclosed please find Password for the current term, commencing July 1 1894 this to remain in force and operation until changed by order of this undersigned.
        After deciphering the P. W. destroy the enclosed.
        You should provide yourselves with the literature upon the Trade Union and Eight-Hour questions in order to be able to arm yourselves with the facts to meet the arguments of our opponents.
        Send for price list, and make all checks, drafts or money orders payable to Secretary Chris. Evans.
        Fraternally and sincerely yours,
                                Samuel Gompers
                        American Federation of Labor