Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

8)  SG to FT, May 9, 1894.

New York, May 9, 1894.

Mr. F. Takano,
126 Gold St.
    My Dear Sir:--I am in receipt of your favor of the 7th inst. and am pleased to learn that you are so interested in the magazine and particularly in the matter of the Phoenix Federal Labor Union of Chicago.   We have a number of such organizations in existence and affiliated with the A. F. of L.   Of course these are organizations of different trades and callings with an insufficient number to form a local trade union.   No doubt our friend Pomeroy will give you the desired assistance.   I should also be glad to do so.   You can address him at 148 Monroe St. Chicago, Ill.
    Replying to your question I would say that the unions having the financial features that you speak of have always proven themselves the most stable and permanent; and fluctuating less than all others.
    If you were to communicate with Mr. Geo. W. Perkins, Prest. Cigar Makers Intl. Union 39 Commerce Bldg. Chicago, Ill.   I am sure he would send you a copy of the constitution, financial reports and such other documents as would explain the system of that organization, It is the one having carried the system of benefits to the highest point of success.
With kindest regards, I am,
                                           Very Truly Yours
                                Samuel Gompers        President
                                           American Federation of Labor