Correspondence between F. Takano and S. Gompers

44)  SG to FT, Oct. 27th, 1897.

                                                                 700 14TH ST. N. W.
                                                                 Washington D. C.    Oct. 27th, 1897.

Mr. F. Takano
    #81 Oiwake Street
        Hongo, Tokyo, Japan.

Dear Sir:--
        Your article on "Female Wage Earners of Japan" came duly to hand, and also the photographs and I hasten to acknowledge their receipt.   The second article is being published about now in our syndicate of labor papers of which I presume you receive copy.   Post office money order is sent to you in this same mail to the amount of $l5.l6.   This is minus the cost of money order, 2O¢, and postage on mailing letters and bills to the papers, 64¢,   Enclosed find blank receipt for $l6.OO which please sign and return here.   $5.OO is balance on the first letter and $ll.OO has been received on the second and no doubt another $5.OO will be forthcoming from that source.   The article on the "Female Wage Earners of Japan," will be published in the end of November and I hope I may have an article from you in sufficient time so as to go into our papers in Dec.
       With every wish for your success and hoping to hear from you soon I am,
Very truly yours,
                                                                Samuel Gompers.
                                                            President A.F. of L.

Edited by NIMURA, Kazuo @